How to Plan 12 Activities for Your Next Backpacking Trip

Today, backpacking is easier and more fun than ever. It remains an inexpensive and independent travel option, and new technology makes it easy to explore new locations and meet new people.

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Pack your bags—lightly!

Another benefit of backpacking abroad is the variety of venues for adventures. Fun backpacking activities can enhance the trip.


Plan your next adventure here if you’re unsure. Find fun backpacking activities for you, your friends, and your family below.

Thrilling Backpacking Ideas

Thrilling Backpacking Ideas
Credit: Pixabay

On your next camping trip, you’ll have no trouble finding exciting things to do. Here are four of the most famous activities that are hard on the body and mind.

1. Zip-Lining

As you zip-line from one place to another through the trees, you’ll be spinning on a wire called a pulley.

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You should not go zip-lining if you are easily dizzy or have heart problems. But getting from one hill, mountain, or cliff to another in this way is fun and different.

You will need some special tools that you can’t carry around in your bag, though. For that reason, you need to find a company that plans tours and gives you a course to get you started.

2. Trekking

Trekking is different from hiking because you walk for longer amounts of time. There are a lot of rough parts of the trip, like mountains and jungles.

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Games for trekking aren’t played very often because the trip itself can be so hard. Most of the time, breaks are used to catch your breath and refuel with food and drink.

But trekking is worth the trouble because it gets you off the beaten road and into places with beautiful views that not many people get to see.

3. Rock Climbing

The mental and physical demands of rock climbing are high. For you to keep your grip, you’ll need strong arms and legs. Not to mention that you’ll have to “think on your feet” to figure out where to put your hands and feet next.

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Still, rock climbing can be very fun. You’ll push yourself, get stronger, and see some amazing sights. Not many people have been where you’re going before.

You’ll need special gear like a helmet, ropes, and a harness.

A more experienced climber can often help a beginner get up on easier rocks. Additionally, learning how to climb rocks is suggested before you go on your trip.

4. Canoeing & Kayaking

If you are going somewhere with rivers or lakes, you might want to try canoeing or kayaking. Both will take you off the beaten road, where you can see beautiful sights that most tourists don’t see. Furthermore, you’ll also do some good physical activity.

The top of a canoe is open, and it’s usually made for two people to paddle with one blade. So, they’re great for a romantic boat ride across a lake or a more laid-back, family-friendly practice.

On the other hand, kayaks have a closed top and are made for one person to paddle with two blades. They work well for more exciting trips down streams and rivers. When the currents are too strong, kayaks can flip over, but it’s usually not hard to get back up.

Relaxing Backpacking Activities

Relaxing Backpacking Activities
Credit: Pixabay

If you want to do something more relaxing while camping, you have a lot of choices. The outdoors has many fun things to offer, and some of them won’t even make you sweat.

Here are some ways to see the sights, learn about the area, or even find fresh food to make your next tasty meal.

5. Fishing

Fishing is a great way to connect with nature and takes your mind off of things. You can watch fish go about their daily lives and enjoy the sound of the water moving by. A second way to get food is to fish while you’re hiking in the wild.

If you want to catch fish while traveling, you should learn about the different types of fish and what makes them bite. You can do this by reading up on fishing rods, knots, and bait.

Some fishing poles can be folded up and are good for backpacking because they don’t take up as much room.

6. Bird-Watching

Birdwatching is always informative, but it’s especially educational if you go somewhere far away where the birds are very different from those in your home country. You’ll find out more about birds’ lives and behaviors, like what they eat and how they mate.

You will need to buy binoculars and bring a bird-watching guide with pictures and details of the birds that live there so you know what to look for in the wild.

7. Outdoor Photography

Everyone has a camera on their phone these days, which is a good thing about contemporary life. For a camping trip, why not bring it with you? Taking pictures outside can be a fun and satisfying thing to do on a trip, whether you want to record the beauty of creatures, plants, or scenery.

More than that, you’ll have a picture album of everything you did! You should make sure you have insurance for your camera first.

8. Mushroom Hunting

A tasty treat that many people want, mushrooms can be fun to find on your own. Going on a mushroom hunt will teach you about how to find mushrooms and the plants and animals that grow in the area you’re visiting.

Mushroom Picker’s Foolproof Field Guide is a good mushroom guidebook that you should buy. You could also take a training on wild food and foraging before you go. Why? You can eat some mushrooms, but others can be deadly or make you feel high.

Before you eat any mushrooms you find, make sure you know about the different types, how they look, and what they’re good for.

Family-Friendly Activities

Family-Friendly Activities
Credit: Pixabay

Are you taking your family on a camping trip? There are lots of things to do outside that are fun for everyone, even kids.

Here are some fun things to do with the kids that will also wear them out for the night so you can spend time with your partner.

9. Outdoor Crafts

Get creative by making crafts out of things you already have. Stones can be used as decorations, and sticks can be made into tools. You are the only one who can decide what you can do in the great outdoors.

If you want to do crafts, you might want to plan so you remember to bring things like scissors and glue.

10. Camping

Take an extra night on your camping trip instead of just one day! Your kids should learn how to do things like set up a tent and start a campfire. Then, make a simple meal for your whole family. Write a scary ghost story or roast marshmallows under a full moon when the sun goes down.

You can pass the time on camping trips with a lot of different games that are great for kids who are getting bored. You can play a lot of different games in this category, such as Uno, Doble, and Catan.

11. Scavenger Hunts

A family camping trip is the best place to set up a scavenger hunt. Get the kids to run through the woods or hills by telling them there will be a treat at the end of the trip.

Things like leaves and flowers can help you figure out where the prize is. The hunt is a fun way to teach kids about their surroundings while keeping them interested while they wait to find the prize at the end.

Printable treasure hunts are easy to find online, and you can make them ahead of time before you take your family on an adventure.

12. Hiking

You can stay in shape and build your heart by hiking. It will also take you to many beautiful places. Almost any path map will show you shorter, easier hikes that are good for kids.

Before you start, make sure you know how far you’ll have to go, how much slope you’ll have to climb, and if there are any other challenging parts. If there are rocks to climb or a steep slope, the trail usually isn’t good for families.

Kids don’t always pay attention, so they might get bored on your walks. Bring games like I-Spy or 20 Questions with you to keep them busy while you walk. To keep their attention on the beautiful nature around them, call out things like a frog in a stream or a bright flower.

Your kids might also get tired from walking a lot. A family lunch is a great thing to do on a walk! While everyone is taking a break for lunch, a deck of cards can keep you busy for a while. To keep your kids from getting bored, play Go Fish or a game that helps them remember things.


Q1. How do I decide on activities for my backpacking trip?

When planning activities for your backpacking trip, consider your interests, the destination's highlights, and the duration of your trip. Research the area's attractions, outdoor activities, cultural experiences, and local events to create a diverse itinerary that suits your preferences.

Q2. How can I prioritize activities for a limited timeframe?

If you have a limited timeframe, prioritize activities based on your interests and the significance of each attraction. Focus on must-see landmarks, unique experiences, and activities that align with your travel goals to make the most of your time.

Q3. Should I plan activities in advance or leave room for spontaneity?

It's beneficial to plan some activities in advance to ensure you don't miss out on popular attractions or experiences that require reservations. However, leaving room for spontaneity allows flexibility for unexpected discoveries and serendipitous adventures along the way.


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    With UW Stephen as your guide, you'll embark on a literary journey that transcends borders, immerses you in different cultures, and fuels your wanderlust for new horizons.

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